Afrikaanse Uitnodigings
Opsoek na ‘n Afrikaanse elektroniese uitnodiging? Sien jy net Engelse voorbeelde? E-invites is jou antwoord!
Al ons uitnodigings word uniek gemaak volgens ons kliënte se behoeftes. Jy stuur vir ons jou Afrikaanse bewoording en ons maak jou uitnodiging soos jy dit wil hê.
Jy kan jou uitnodiging in jou eie taal hê. Gebruik E-invites en praat uit jou hart uit! Beskikbaar as E-pos en WhatsApp uitnodiging. Bestuur van jou RSVP’s, kaart, verblyfbladsy, geskenkregister en fotogallery is als spesiale opsies wat bygevoeg kan word.
Alle E-Invite ontwerpe is uniek en word met die persoonlike insette, soos kleure, temas en idees, van die kliënt ontwerp. E-Invites is ‘n koste-effektief en visueel aantreklikke alternatief vir paartjies wat ‘n papierlose opsie sonder enige moeite verkies.
Die geleentheid maak nie saak nie! E-Invites kan vir Troues, Verjaarsdae, Ooievaarstee, Ram Partytjies ens. gemaak word in beide E-pos en WhatsApp weergawes.
Ons bied ook ook Onthou die Datum en Dankie kaartjies aan.
Kontak ons gerus vir meer inligting.
“Wow, we’ve had overwhelmingly good responses to our wedding invitation! Thanks so much for all your hard work to get these out. We’re also loving the RSVP Manager – the emails and the updated list – as well as the tracking report information.”
“Thanks so very much for sorting that for us! We’re totally thrilled that it’s done… We will recommend you to all our mates.”
“Super, thanks Morne and thanks to you & Anke for making this such an easy exercise. I will definitely recommend ‘E-invites’ to everyone I know.”
“Ek waardeer julle diens ongelooflik en dink dit is ‘n pragtige moderne konsep.”
“Baie dankie dis 100%. Waardeer jul spoedige werk.”
“It’s perfect! The gallery looks amazing. It’s soooo cool.”
“Die invites is AWESOME!!! Ons is so gelukkig met hulle.”
“The invitations are a big hit, thank you and Anke very much”
“Thank you very much for such beautiful work!!”
“Thanks for all your great service with the E-Invites Morne. It’s been a pleasure…….”
“WOW WOW WOW!! Thank you so much. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are great.”
“Thanks for everything we really appreciate it and everyone loves the design. We have only received compliments.”
“Many, many thanks for all your help, advice, support and efforts. We have been delighted with your service to date!”
“The invites look so beautiful live. Thank you so much for all your efforts.”